Saturday, December 17, 2011

My Aunt Dianne

The Jinglebell horse show is an equestrian event.  The horses perform in all kinds of events.  One of them is pulling a chariot as they perform the steps.

They had people dressed in costume singing Christmas carols
My aunt Dianne, her husband Jim and myself.
She looks a lot like my Aunt Dorothy

This is one of their champion horses.  Look how long the tail is.
    Genealogy has been on our list of things to do while in San Diego.  I have four aunts who live in California where my father grew up.  I had heard about them as I grew up, but I hadn't met them in over 50 years.  Last December one of them, Esther, sent me a Christmas Card with her phone number in it.  As we were on our way to our mission in January I called her thinking she lived in southern Nevada.  I found she lived in northern Nevada in a town called Gardnerville; but, she gave me the addresses and phone numbers of the rest of her sisters.  Two of them live in southern California.  She told me Dianne would be in Del Mar sometime because her son hosted a horse show there in the winter. 
    I called Dianne in September and we decided to meet at the Jinglebell horse show in Del Mar in December.  It was perfect because we visited while Richard watched the events.

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