Monday, September 26, 2011


Mission Fireside

What do you say about hearing over 100 missionaries walk down the isle of the church singing Called to Serve?  It so touching as well as uplifting.  You know the gospel can reach out with the help of these ambassadors of the Lord.  "I am a Child of God" from was next.  Wow!


    The sisters from the Mormon Battalion Historic Site were part of the program.  Sisters Lewis, Kearsley, Christensen, Nelson and Neuman sang "Let it Begin" a song from this year's EFY.  Sister Burden accompanied them.  
    A convert told of their conversion story between musical numbers.  One convert told how friends helped him to experience the gospel.  He started out playing basketball, then was invited to early morning Seminary, next, he was invited to attend Trek.  He was baptized and said, "I just want to say this is the true church and your life will change when you join it."

Sister Burden played a piano duet.  She has a beautiful touch on the piano and is very accomplished.  Sister Evans sang a duet with Brother Merrill.  They sang "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing."  It was a blessing to be able to be there and feel of the spirit of missionary work.

The family at the Cabin and camping

     September brought enjoying the mountains and the crisp fall weather.  The Brenchley Bunch went camping and  got together at our cabin in Fairview for the Labor Day Weekend.  Everyone had a good time together, especially the cousins. 

Camping together

at the cabin in Fairview

The days were occupied playing games together

Going off the swing!

enjoying each other's company

 around sitting the campfire roasting marshmallows and visiting.
 Making memories with our family are some of the more important things in life.  

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