Thursday, September 15, 2011

Magnifying Missionary Work

     I marvel at the sisters in the mission.  They take up to 4 tours a day and maintain their enthusiasm for each tour.  They truly see our guests - each one - as children of God who can be touched by his message of faith and hope.  
     They pray to be an influence for good in turning hearts to the gospel.  They sincerely want each person to feel the joy that comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    They have experienced that joy in their own lives and know of its power and peace.  They are truly grateful and humbled to be able to serve their Father-in-Heaven here and it shows in the countenances and in comments of people who have been here.  
"Thanks so much.  The Battalion journey was really challenging, yet totally worth it.  I'm so happy to be part of their great pioneer family"  wrote one person who came through the tour.

  Another wrote "The sister who took us on our tour was very excellent.  She explained everything so well.  She was so kind to my kids."  
    We are grateful to serve here with them and to feel of their enthusiasm and spirit. 
    I remember thinking it would be hard to leave our family for a year.   We've not only been able to keep in touch with our family and see them here; but, we've been able to serve and experience the gospel in action.  It's hard to describe the joy that comes from seeing others find happiness and purpose in their lives.

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