Monday, September 26, 2011


Mission Fireside

What do you say about hearing over 100 missionaries walk down the isle of the church singing Called to Serve?  It so touching as well as uplifting.  You know the gospel can reach out with the help of these ambassadors of the Lord.  "I am a Child of God" from was next.  Wow!


    The sisters from the Mormon Battalion Historic Site were part of the program.  Sisters Lewis, Kearsley, Christensen, Nelson and Neuman sang "Let it Begin" a song from this year's EFY.  Sister Burden accompanied them.  
    A convert told of their conversion story between musical numbers.  One convert told how friends helped him to experience the gospel.  He started out playing basketball, then was invited to early morning Seminary, next, he was invited to attend Trek.  He was baptized and said, "I just want to say this is the true church and your life will change when you join it."

Sister Burden played a piano duet.  She has a beautiful touch on the piano and is very accomplished.  Sister Evans sang a duet with Brother Merrill.  They sang "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing."  It was a blessing to be able to be there and feel of the spirit of missionary work.

The family at the Cabin and camping

     September brought enjoying the mountains and the crisp fall weather.  The Brenchley Bunch went camping and  got together at our cabin in Fairview for the Labor Day Weekend.  Everyone had a good time together, especially the cousins. 

Camping together

at the cabin in Fairview

The days were occupied playing games together

Going off the swing!

enjoying each other's company

 around sitting the campfire roasting marshmallows and visiting.
 Making memories with our family are some of the more important things in life.  

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Magnifying Missionary Work

     I marvel at the sisters in the mission.  They take up to 4 tours a day and maintain their enthusiasm for each tour.  They truly see our guests - each one - as children of God who can be touched by his message of faith and hope.  
     They pray to be an influence for good in turning hearts to the gospel.  They sincerely want each person to feel the joy that comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    They have experienced that joy in their own lives and know of its power and peace.  They are truly grateful and humbled to be able to serve their Father-in-Heaven here and it shows in the countenances and in comments of people who have been here.  
"Thanks so much.  The Battalion journey was really challenging, yet totally worth it.  I'm so happy to be part of their great pioneer family"  wrote one person who came through the tour.

  Another wrote "The sister who took us on our tour was very excellent.  She explained everything so well.  She was so kind to my kids."  
    We are grateful to serve here with them and to feel of their enthusiasm and spirit. 
    I remember thinking it would be hard to leave our family for a year.   We've not only been able to keep in touch with our family and see them here; but, we've been able to serve and experience the gospel in action.  It's hard to describe the joy that comes from seeing others find happiness and purpose in their lives.

Christoffersons and Tadjes come to San Diego

    After a week in Hawaii the Christoffersons headed for San Diego and beach house for two weeks.  Polar bears, elephants, dolphins, airplanes, sand and sea were all part of their visit to San Diego.  We loved going with them to the zoo, Sea World, the Midway and hanging out at the beach with them for two weeks in August.  A visit to San Diego isn't complete without a trip to the Battalion to march 2000 miles and pan for gold.  It was amazing to see how much Kiersten, Gunnar, Tyson and Jett had grown.  They are such good friends and so kind to each other.  Its so fun to see their family together doing family kinds of things. 

      7 inches of rain in New Jersey almost kept the Tadjes from coming to San Diego.  After a mad dash for the airplane with only a few minutes to board (holding Brynn, a car seat and three bags), and  6 hours on the airplane to get to San Diego - they finally arrived.  

As you can see, we had lots of fun at the beach, on the Midway, and at the Battalion.  a bonus was eating cindy's good meals at the beach house. 

 The trip to Utah was just as exciting.  After a 2 hour drive to Long Beach for the flight, we found it had been delayed 3 hours.  David came to the rescue and picked them up in Salt Lake at 1:30 A.M.  They were really glad to be home.  They too, have all grown lots.  Ellie starts 2nd grade and Crue will be in PreK at Alpine Elementary.


President and Sister Clayton, our new mission president came to the Mormon Battalion.  They are enthusiastic, humble servants who show love and acceptance to everyone. 
     Sister Clayton’s parents are Elder and Sister Ballard.  Elder and Sister Ballard visited our mission and spoke to all of the missionaries.  Sister Ballard expressed her gratitude for the missionaries. .  “We are grateful for people who want to serve and thank you for all you do. That you want to give your time to your Heavenly Father.“   Elder Ballard then told us that “we are all on the same errand.” He told us  our primary role is to teach.  We have a message that no one else has.  We know who we are.  We know where we came from.  We know about premortal life.  We know where we are going and what will happen next.  Because of Joseph Smith we have this knowledge.  He went on to say that “You cannot buy for money what we have to offer.  This wonderful gift of the gospel. “ We have the opportunity to teach this to people who the Lord leads to us.  

    I was standing outside the door of the Mormon Battalion Historic Site when a family walked by.  As they walked by the father motioned to one of the boys to come up the steps.  As he came up the steps he said, "I took three too many pieces of gold so here are three back."  I thanked him as he handed me three tiny pieces of pyrite.  The size of the pyrite didn't matter, but the importance of doing what's right does.  Yea to his father for encouraging honesty.  Then a few minutes later his brother came running down the porch.  "I have three too many, too." he said.  What a good example of honesty they showed and what a great father to help them realize that integrity includes little things as well as bigger ones.

     Sister Seguin and Sister Nielsen left today.  Last night we had a farewell for them at the Battalion.  They both told of how they had grown in the gospel and grown personally from their experiences during their mission.  They have strong testimonies and have touched many lives while they have been here.  The sisters in the San Diego Mission are such examples of service and stewardship.  We are fortunate to work with them.