Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Family and Friends came in May

     It was good to see Lynn and Villa for a short visit.  We caught up on our families lives and added to the list of things that could possibly go wrong with these aging bodies.  Actually, we felt pretty young and chipper as we climbed around the Midway and went through the Mormon Battalion.  The more we learn of the Battalion members and of their devotion, service, sacrifice and faith, the more we realize how fortunate we are to be here.  We get to serve with 22 sister missionaries and 3 other couples.  Our directors, Elder and Sister Evans do a remarkable job of keeping us all ready to serve those who come to the Mormon Battalion.  Their devotion to their calling helps all of us try to do more each day.
     Carl, Geri, LaMar and Marilyn made the trip to California, too.  After seeing all they could in a few days of San Diego, they said their favorite part was going through the Battalion.  As you are able to view the production, it touches your heart to experience some of the challenges that those 500 members of the Battalion had in getting to San Diego in 1846.  They went through days without food or water; sickness with little to alleviate or help it; and always the need to press forward.  We love being able to show others what it might have been like to be a member of the Mormon Battalion.  We loved seeing our family and friends and taking them on this 2000 mile journey.

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